Does HostGator provide free SSL certificate?
Hostgator free SSL certificate service is the most trusting features that use to make the site secure to all sides. SSL certificate has been essential for e-commerce websites nowadays. Because it has been necessary to keep secure banking details of online customers of an online shopping site. Hackers generally used to target online shopping site to steal the banking details of persons that come there for a shop and make payment online. At now a day a cybercrime is spreading more on the internet. Very confidential information of the site is being stolen. In such a situation, there is a need to have a hosting service that gives the surety to keep confidential and secure all details of sites.
Hostgator is the most trusted hosting service provider in the hosting world. It provides the all needed features that make trust on website performance, speed and security. SSL certificate with all hosting plan is most appreciating features add on with Hostgator that does not charge extra. But, there is a confusion among persons that free SSL certificate Hostgator offers or not.
Free SSL certificate Hostgator account is possible?
Yes, Hostgator free positive SSL is included with hosting accounts. Hostgator gives free SSL certificate with a maximum of the hosting server that it offers. It gives free SSL features with shared hosting, cloud hosting, managed WordPress hosting, reseller hosting, application hosting, windows hosting and website builder also. It does not give SSL certificate with VPS server and dedicated server. For these, you have to purchase SSL separately and charges a few extra amounts also. Hostgator also offers a separate plan for SSL certificate with affordable range.
How could one get Hostgator free SSL setup?
There is no need to take any searching and questioning efforts to get an SSL certificate with Hostgator. It will be included in the hosting plan and with good comforts of using. There is no need to take some extra installation efforts. A few clicks process will set an SSL certificate with the website.
What types of security add SSL certificate Hostgator?
SSL certificate ensures you to get traffic secure. It prevents the risk of data transfer online and makes unable to handle sensitive data. Having an SSL certificate with the website will also increase your search engine ranking also. That can be a more positive benefit towards site result. And included benefits with SSL are as follows-
- Security and Trust
- Prevent Data Attacks
- Increased SEO
- Handle Complicacy
- Hassle Free Issuance
- Recognize by all major browsers
- Unlimited protection for domains and subdomains
- Encryption level- 2048 bit signatures/ 256 bit encryption
As https have been a more relevant and suitable for the search engine, web browser behavior and security. So it is needed to be aware and give protection to customers' information. SSL certificate is an essential element for a site and should be add on features of all hosting service and plans. As Hostgator have done included it with all plans with free of cost, others host should also add this essential feature free.
Can SSL certificate be used with Hostgator c Panel services?
Yes, Hostgator's free SSL certificate can be used with Hostgator C panel Hosting. If you plan to go for it than you can use Hostgator C Panel Hosting Coupons to avail some amazing discounts.